by SDI | Apr 3, 2020 | blog
One of the most important parts of any machine is its bolts and pins. They are essentially the glue that binds certain parts together. If they lack integrity, then that creates a problem for the part and the system as a whole. Therefore mechanics and engineers must...
by SDI | Mar 27, 2020 | blog
The ability to detect leaks in certain materials is essential for ensuring the quality and safety of those materials. To accomplish this, leak testing is used to find leaks using one of these four main techniques: Bubble, Pressure Decay, Halogen Diode and Mass...
by SDI | Mar 20, 2020 | blog
If you’re a fan of the popular sci-fi series Star Trek, you will sometimes hear its character refer to sonic showers as the way the crew stays clean in space. And while no great detail is ever given as to how sound would be used to clean the human body, sound is...
by SDI | Mar 10, 2020 | blog
The aerospace industry uses a wide variety of testing methods to ensure the safety of all aircraft systems and parts. The most effective of which is Ultrasonic Testing (UT) which utilizes a series of high-frequency ultrasonic waves to identify flaws in materials. This...
by SDI | Mar 6, 2020 | blog
As we have stated in the past, Nondestructive testing (NDT) covers a wide variety of techniques the most efficient and accurate of which is the use of ultrasonic inspection equipment such as ultrasonic emersion tanks. These systems, when used by trained professionals,...