SDI-5150 Ultrasonic Immersion System
This specification is for an advanced immersion system for the ultrasonic inspection of aero engine and airframe components. The equipment components include a heavy-duty precision bridge mounted on a rigid gantry frame that sits around a stainless steel immersion tank typically fitted with an SDI-1320 series turntable. The system is available with single or dual precision search tubes configured to accept a range of gimbal options. The equipment will operate with any system level ultrasonic instrumentation. It is designed to achieve the accuracy and resolution required at high throughput speeds in a harsh operating environment. SDI have supplied systems of this type for testing product from all major aircraft, aero engine and rocket motor producers.
The system consists of floor mounted heavy gauge gantry which spans the stainless steel immersion tank. The precision bridge, search tube and gimbal assembly are mounted on the gantry, isolating them from the tank structure. The stainless steel tank is provided with polycarbonate windows to meet the customer’s requirements. The base of the tank is reinforced to support turntables, rotators and lift platforms. The turntables have interchangeable drives making it possible to employ an auxiliary small high speed turntable in a system fitted with a large heavy duty unit for normal operation. All SDI turntables and rotators are removable and interchangeable.

The SDI MasterScan/WinScan suite is one of the most powerful motion control and acquisition
packages available. The well-structured modular software has evolved by incorporating customer’s motion control and acquisition requests into the standard product. With a user base of over 200 systems, incorporating the suggestions of technicians who spend all their time operating our equipment has resulted in the most versatile, user friendly, package in the industry. Targeted primarily at high volume test lab users, the principal operational criteria are ease of use and fastest possible inspection times.
The motion control is provided by the SDI-1830 MasterScan advanced controller. Designed
specifically for ultrasonic applications, it features ultrasonic functional axes and scripted scan plans. This means that complex motion control and acquisition activities unique to ultrasonic inspection techniques are available to the operator through simple commands using ultrasonic terminology. The operator can construct complex scans by chaining together individual motion commands, scan plans and instrument set-ups.
In addition to being approved by all major aero-engine manufacturers, the following advanced features of SDI systems give major advantage over competitor’s equipment in terms of ease of use and inspection setup and test time:
The SDI-5110 can be used with several of the SDI range of turntables and rotators. The most popular configuration is with the SDI-1322 turntable. This is typically configured to rotate parts weighing up to 1500 lbs with diameters up to 36 in. It is supplied with a 3 jaw self centering chuck and a submerged drive.
The standard dual gimbal assembly supplied with the system is the SDI-3170. This is a dual motorized midi gimbal, providing two high precision, servo driven gimbal axes, housed in a waterproof stainless steel enclosure.