SDI-5410 Seven Axis Gantry Through Transmission Ultrasonic System
- System Overview
- Mechanical Configuration
- Electrical Configuration
- Instrumentation / Motion Control
- Acquisition/Analysis
- Installation/Training
The SDI-5410 is a seven axis high performance UT gantry system designed for the inspection of large airframe components. The seven axis design provides a lower cost system for components which have curvature in the YZ plane only.
For full 3D scanning Structural Diagnostics Inc. offers the SDI 5420, 5470 and 5700 series systems are available.
A wide range of parts positioning devices can be integrated into the programmable motion sequence. These include horizontal rotators, turntables and head and tail stocks.
The system is designed to inspect a complete range of part geometries, such as aircraft control surfaces, wings, doors etc. in addition to highly contoured fuselage and cabin components. The motion control, data acquisition and instrumentation components can be installed in a system control room, or operated from a shop floor console.
The system can be operated in English or Metric units simplifying inspection of components from a variety of sources. The system is based on modules widely used in SDI’s product range.
All components/modules used in the system are designed and manufactured in-house by SDI in their Camarillo, California facility.
The system is turnkey, stand alone and fully self contained. The mechanical configuration is outlined in the attached concept drawing. The gantry is fabricated from heavy section steel box section coated with an epoxy finish designed for use in adverse environments. The bridge base frame is constructed from welded aluminum box section.
A sump is provided water containment and recirculation components. The system can be either permanently installed in a pit, with the part support fixture rails at floor level, or mounted above ground. The second option offers greater flexibility as the system is re-locatable and maintenance is more easily performed.
When in position it is possible to anchor the system to the ground for additional rigidity. The part will be loaded into the fixture at floor level by the operator. It is then rolled onto inverted V rails on the load station. The off load station is an identical arrangement allowing part flow through the system in either direction.
The X axis motion is provided by driving the bridge assembly along heavy square section girders fitted with leveling pads. Heavy duty helical rack and pinion drive provides precise positioning and encoder feedback. The heavy frame structure is designed to maintain precise alignment in the X direction. The linear ways for Z and Y axes are precision stainless steel, heavy duty, ball shafts. These are also fitted with precision rack and pinion drives. All drives are closed loop d.c. with encoders/resolvers.
The axes of motion provided on the system are shown in the table below: Typical ranges are given. These will vary according to customer requirements.
Axis | Description | Range | Speed | Resolution | Accuracy |
X | Primary axis along the frame. High power d.c. servo drives with resolver. | 96-480 | 28 in/sec | .001 in. | .004 in/ft |
Y1, Y2 | Lead screw drive with d.c. servo motors and resolvers. | 48-96 | 12 in/sec | .001 in. | .004 in/ft |
Z1, Z2 | Vertical column rack and pinion drives. d.c. servo drives with resolver. | 48-96 | 4 in/sec | .001 in. | .004 in/ft |
B1, B2 | Gimbal in Y, Z plane | +/- 90 deg | 30 deg/sec | .01deg | 0.01deg |
The gimbals are dc servos with zero backlash gear boxes and integral high precision resolvers. The units are housed in air purged stainless steel enclosures. The squirter is attached to the gimbals by a magnetic mount.
The mobile control console can be positioned anywhere within reasonable distance from the system. Current SDI systems have similar remote consoles up to 80 ft. from the scanner. It is fitted with two 19 inch LCD monitors linked in the Windows operating environment to allow windows to be dragged from one screen to the next, or expanded over two screen. The console requires a single 110V 60 Amp single phase supply. The console houses all the computing, drive and instrumentation components required to operate the system. The enclosure includes a filtration and refrigeration unit.
The electrical configuration describes the components and interconnections for the motion control, drive, instrumentation and data acquisition sub systems. The majority of the components are housed in the system console.
All system components meet applicable US and International safety codes. Apart from the very low current ultrasonic signals, no voltages greater than 70 volts are present anywhere on the system outside the control console. The electrical layout is shown below:
The system can be supplied with any third party systems instrument such as the Krautkramer USPC2100-2, two channel unit. When installed with the SDI sequencer unit, the system can be configured to be able to provide simultaneous pulse echo from each side together with two through transmission tests, resulting in the acquisition of four channels of data in a single scan. A range of auxiliary instrumentation can be provided to aid in the inspection of the more complex highly attentive lay-ups. This will include log amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, and tone burst pulsers.
The motion control is provided by the SDI-1830 MasterScan advanced controller. Designed specifically for ultrasonic applications, it features ultrasonic functional axes and scripted scan plans. This means that complex motion control and acquisition activities unique to ultrasonic inspection techniques are available to the operator through simple commands using ultrasonic terminology. The operator can construct complex scans by chaining together individual motion commands, scan plans and instrument set-ups. Full details of MasterScan are given in the data sheet. Some of the key features are:
- Functional axes using standard UT terminology
- Import/Export of scan plans to CAD programs
- Automated normalization
- Auto teach of scan plans
- Integrated instrument control coordinated with the motion along a
- scan trajectory
- Scripted scan plans
- Chained scans
- Dual independent search tubes performing different scans
- simultaneously
- Stop on defect
- Return to defect
- Display of scan progress and time to finish
- Variable turntable rotation to maintain constant surface speed with
- changing diameter
The system is supplied with the latest SDI-WinScan multi-tasking acquisition and analysis package designed for high throughput production applications. A technical description of the features and benefits of this high performance industrial package is attached. Some of the key features are:
Another time saving feature of the fully integrated motion control and data acquisition package is the ability to perform mini-scans. Areas of interest can be tagged on the data file and the system will automatically drive back to them and re-scan the area using selected defect evaluation scan parameters such as full waveform capture.
The system will be fully assembled and made operational at the SDI facility in Camarillo for customer buy off. The Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) will be carried out using the test samples supplied by the customer. SDI will address any items requiring rectification prior to authorization for shipment by the customer representative. Upon receiving approval, SDI will dismantle, crate and ship the system. SDI will carry out site preparation prior to the arrival of the system. The system will then be assembled and made operational on site. The ATP will then be repeated. The system timeline is attached.
SDI provide a comprehensive training program including 5 days training of personnel in the operation and routine maintenance of this equipment. This training will take place either at the SDI facility or at the customer site after installation.