Gantry Systems

Gantry systems from Structural Diagnostics Inc. are designed to inspect a complete range of part geometries, such as aircraft control surfaces, wings and doors in addition to highly contoured fuselage and cabin components. The two videos above show the movements of each axis of our 11-axis gantries. If full 3D scanning is not required, we can supply without the Delta X and B gimbals.

The motion control, data acquisition and instrumentation components can be installed in a system control room, or operated from a shop floor console.

These systems are designed for both through transmission and pulse echo testing of composites and bonded structures. The Delta X drive bridge allows complex curve following in all orientations.

A wide range of parts positioning devices can be integrated into the programmable motion sequence. These include horizontal rotators, turntables and head and tail stocks.


The system specifications presented on our website are for a typical UT gantry system and are presented for informational purposes only. The details of a specific system may differ significantly due to specific needs and customer requirements. SDI provide a comprehensive training program including 5 days training of personnel in the operation and routine maintenance of this equipment.


All systems are supplied with the latest SDI-WinScan multi-tasking acquisition and analysis package designed for high throughput production applications. A technical description of the features and benefits of this high performance industrial package is attached. Some of the key features are:

  • High-speed pan and zoom through entire data file
  • High speed, high quality 1:1 plotting of all or selected areas of the data file
  • Scan comments stored with the data file
  • Multi-channel operation
  • True multi-tasking to allow scanning, plotting and viewing of stored files to be performed simultaneously without a reduction in speed
  • Numerous analysis features such as histograms, in dB and linear scales, cluster analysis
  • providing automatic defect identification, image smoothing and filtering with operator defined kernels
  • Full Waveform Capture with B-Scan

Another time saving feature of the fully integrated motion control and data acquisition package is the ability to perform mini-scans. Areas of interest can be tagged on the data file and the system will automatically drive back to them and re-scan the area using selected defect evaluation scan parameters such as full waveform capture.

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